Finding an SEO WordPress plugin i actually like

Finding SEO WordPress plugin

Yoast irks me.

Why i left them maybe a year or so ago in lieu of The SEO Framework.

I have gists and a post about Yoast

Yoast was like a needy child, always nagging about something. It was also slowing down my site with its bloat.

I needed something simple.

So i started using The SEO Framework. Then, for several reasons i can’t truly recall since i didn’t keep a log, i started to lose a taste for it. So i began looking for another SEO plugin, this time checking out WP Meta SEO.

WP Meta SEO has an on-boarding section like Yoast. It has a clean, simple interface and does some server environment checks, particularly looking for an up-to-date PHP version, and if curl and libxml are installed.

Funny enough, in the middle of writing this — well, it was in draft mode for about a week — The SEO Framework released a massive update, moving from version 3.2 to 4.0. They did a near complete refactor/rewriting of their plugin.

One “little” improvement i applaud about version 4.0 of The SEO Framework is it being more accessible. I’ve been increasingly concerned with and aware of not everyone viewing and experiencing the web in the same way. When companies produce sites and content that is more inclusive to everyone, it warms my heart.

Screw you, Dominos (i stopped being one of their customers because of their stance).

SEO Framework is accessible, using symbols instead of colors

The update of The SEO Framework seems faster in the Dashboard admin area as they lauded in the announcement post. I like the granular way can disable SEO tweaks or change what you want on a per page basis rather than one post-type-fits-all approach previously.

I will keep this post open-ended as i’ll keep jumping from plugin to plugin. I’ve settled back with The SEO Framework and have since deactivated and deleted WP SEO Meta.

If you have any suggested plugins, please let me know below or via email.

Cheers and peace.

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