Currently browsing category: DNS

I wanted to add SSL to a website i quickly spun up on a Lightsail instance. It was running on a subdomain. I ran into a hiccup with getting the domain verified via TXT entries in DNS when using Let’s Encrypt to setup SSL on a subdomain via GoDaddy DNS. In case you’re interested, here are the commands i used to manually add SSL with Let’s Encrypt with domain verification and prompts. Via CLI: mycli:~$ […]

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DNS Security Server Configuration Web Development

Out of the blue, i received a message that i still needed to verify my domain ownership ā€” odd, because two weeks prior i thought i had covered my Firebase custom domain verification. I double-checked i followed the Google instructions verbatim, going so far as deleting and re-entering the records, yet after a few hours, still no luck. Enter doing the tried-and-true thing of Googling, but really hitting up good ol’ StackOverflow. It was suggested […]

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DNS Server Configuration